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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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Mon - Fri 08:30 - 17:00 / Closed on Weekends
01383 821182





Stuart Cooper
General Manager

With 20 years’ experience in various roles within the business including estimating, production management and office management, Stuarts varied knowledge and skills allow him to effectively guide and manage the team at Merlin Network to achieve the best possible results for their customers.

Martin Kelman

With 26 years in manufacturing, working in various roles within the industry, Martin has accumulated immeasurable knowledge and skills which he has successfully applied to his role at Merlin Network for the last 16 years.

Mandy Stewart
Customer Services Administrator

With 17 years’ experience working in various roles within the business, Mandy started off working in order processing and now uses her vast knowledge to guide customers through each stage of order fulfilment, making her an invaluable member of the Merlin Network team.

Rob Overton

With nearly 10 years’ experience in the industry, Rob started with Merlin Network as a production operative developing key skills. He has since flourished and grown with the business and now applies this knowledge to his role in order processing and estimating, making him a dynamic and valuable member of the team.