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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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Mon - Fri 08:30 - 17:00 / Closed on Weekends
01383 821182





Secured by Design combines the principles of designing out crime with effective security standards.

Secured by Design

Secured by Design is the official Police security initiative for the UK. Since its inception in 1989, it has focused on the design and security for new & refurbished homes, commercial premises and car parks as well as the acknowledgement of quality security products and crime prevention projects. Secured by Design combines the principles of designing out crime with effective security standards.

Designing out Crime

Domestic crime is now at its lowest level for more than two decades due to homes being more secure. Secured by Design has been proven to reduce burglary and crime rates by up to 75% on new build developments and up to 60% on refurbished developments with research and case studies showcasing the effectiveness of the principles.

Product Accreditation

To achieve secured by design accreditation, manufacturers must ensure that their products meet the security standards specified by SBD. Merlin Networks range of windows have been successfully tested and certificated to BS 7412/PAS24:2016